Order Hotline: 800-677-8185     Toll Free: 800-677-8185
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Member Of Teleflora Member of Society of American Florists

Sunshine Florist
Formerly at 1901 N. Laurent St.
1107 E Red River
Victoria, TX 77901
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Sunshine Florist is now serviced by McAdams Floral


Color Ensemble Bouquets

Create a contemporary setting with this unique ensemble. Red roses, purple calla lilies, pink peonies, red mini gerbera daisies, and red carnations share center stage in a selection of glass vases. Place them all around the house, or display them together for a riot of color. approx 6.5"-9.5" h x 3"-7.5" dia.

Item #: D14-3754

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Satisfaction Guaranteed

Color Ensemble Bouquets by Suinshine Florist